Logo Usage

At its core, the Earthmover logo is composed of two key elements: the word mark and the comet icon. They work together, they live together — they are one. In addition to the logo, the brand tagline, “With every move, a step forward.” is not just an integral part of the brand as a whole, but in certain cases will accompany the logo.

 Selecting the right logo version, based on your medium and/or layout, is critical to ensuring correct and consistent brand presentation. Please familiarize yourself with the logo examples and guidelines listed below. When you’re ready to use the logos, a brand kit is available for download in the upper navigation of this style guide.


Primary Logo Lockup

Here you have it, the primary Earthmover logo with the tagline flying high. This logo, along with others, is designed to work well on dark backgrounds as well as light backgrounds. When space allows for it, the Primary Logo Lockup is preferred over the Secondary.


Primary Logo Lockup Grayscale

Working on something with color limitations? Use the grayscale version.


Secondary Logo

If it’s not obvious already, the Secondary Logo simply removes the tagline from the lockup. In many cases where space or legibility is limited, this logo will be your go-to.


Secondary Logo Grayscale

Working on something with color limitations? Use the grayscale version.


Secondary Logo One Color

There will be times when showcasing the Earthmover logo simply works best using one color.


Comet Icon (Favicon)

As mentioned above, the Earthmover Comet icon pairs with the wordmark to create the logo. This icon should rarely be used by itself and always paired with the wordmark to form the logo. These two go hand in hand. Exceptions to this would be favicons, profile images, and app icons.

 Padding and Clear Space

Breathing room is a large, unspoken element of the brand. When using the logo, please keep this in mind. Our logo should always have space to breathe. Rule of thumb is using the Comet Icon as your padding reference.

 Logo Asset Downloads

Use the links below to download the Earthmover Credit Union logos in JPEG, PNG, or Vector (.ai + .eps) file formats. A complete brand pack is available on the Downloads page.